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Showing posts from January, 2014


Note: This is a prologue of a short story that I have to write. I need suggestions on sentence formation, grammar and writing style, so feel free to criticise.  'I must reach the sun', I thought looking at the hundreds of glistening pieces of our beloved star. A giant fireball cut into pieces by the icy ocean. My body went numb to save me from dying. But for how long? The funny thing about our sophisticated human body is that, when it's submerged into water at subzero temperature; the blood is withdrawn from our limbs and torso then sent to our brain to save it from dying. But the only possible way for it to survive is to get out of the water. So how can it survive if the body is numb and unmovable? How can I? But I have to live. I must live. I must reach the sun. My body craves for oxygen; I have to breathe. I must move. I must reach the sun.                     ***